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AI Driven Work Based Learning

The Objective

The objective is to strengthen work based learning in education and transition to careers. CTI Work Based Learning consists of institute-coordinated workplace experiences in partnership with local businesses and organizations based on student career interests and goals. CTI WBL students apply classroom instruction in a real-world business or service-oriented work environment.

About CTI Work Based Learning

CTI employs Job shadowing, service learning, mentorship, externship, school-based enterprise, internship, entrepreneurship, clinical experience, cooperative education, youth registered apprenticeship, and registered apprenticeship.

CTI provides Work Based Learning Experiences where learners apply and refine knowledge, attitudes, and skills through professionally coordinated and supervised work experience directly related to career goals.


  • Builds on classroom and WBL experience, easing the classroom to workplace transition
  • Supervised, authentic experiences shape and enhance knowledge, skill, and attitudes
  • Students develop careers beyond their secondary and postsecondary education
  • Students who participate in WBL experiences are often able to continue to work for their placement companies after high school graduation or even after college graduation
  • Employers increasingly seek new hires with Work-Based Learning (WBL) experience
Youth at Risk

Youth at risk are defined as young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET), and those at risk of becoming NEET. The potential benefits of work-based learning are particularly noticeable for youth at risk, as they are most likely to face difficulties in connecting to the labour market and accessing good learning opportunities.

The Solution

There are very many solutions that have been deployed towards addressing unemployment amongst the youth. However, None of the solutions addresses he challenge faced by the youth who are Not in Employment, Not in Education, Not in Training (NEET). These are the youth at risk and they need assistance.


Few organizations have graduate management trainees or internship programs that support the youth transition into employment. However this requires a student to be currently enrolled in an existing institution.


Majority of organizations need the skills but are not able to afford the skilled professionals.


CTI's Work Based Learning is a bridge into careers by linking training of students towards solving specific organisational problems. With the program being supervised by the organisation in order to ensure the organisation's problem statement is resolved in phases with the final delivery at the end of the three month course. The learners are then involved to deliver a second solution during the subsequent 3 months as they learn business and entrepreneurial skills.



The first cohort of this programme starts on 24th July 2023. The total cost of the programme is 41,000/= and it lasts 3 months. All students in this program will learn:

  1. Structured Query Language (SQL) for Data Science - Kes 8,500/=
  2. Python programming for Data Science - Kes 10,000/=
  3. Data Visualization and Reporting - Kes 7,500/=
  4. Data Analytics - 6,500/=
  5. Predictive Analytics - 8,500/=


Organizational Need

The objective of this class will be to help a real and registered organization understand a research study through mining data from various data sources, storing and querying this data from databases, creating visualizations of the data after performing some data analysis using python programming language and finally coming up with some predictive analytics.


The classes will be online and delivered through evening classes between 7:00PM to 9:30PM from Monday to Friday. There are mini-projects at the end of every month and learner progress presentations to the organization will happen online and feedback from the organization collected. All classes are online and learners are expected to attend all classes.


For further inquiries, please contact us through the email address at the top or through the contact form.

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